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21 Things Gen Z Does That Drives Older Generations Crazy

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Picture this: You’re at a family gathering trying to explain the latest TikTok trends or why certain emojis hold secret meanings. Eyes glaze over, confused frowns appear, and perhaps even a “kids these days” sigh of bewilderment. It’s a familiar generational clash of cultures!

Generational differences are nothing new. Each generation shapes its own unique values, lingo, and technology use shaped by the times they grow up in. Still, Gen Z (born from roughly the mid-90s to early 2010s) seems to possess a particularly special knack for making their elders chuckle, cringe, or sometimes just feel plain old at the speed of change.

Ready to break down some of those head-scratching Gen Z behaviors that leave Boomers and Gen X bewildered? Let’s explore these generational quirks.

1. The Omnipresent Phone

friends at a dinner restaurant on their phones
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Gen Z-ers have been dubbed “the digital natives,” born into a world where the internet has always existed. Their smartphones seem like a permanent extension of their hands. From ceaseless scrolling to capturing every moment for social media, it can look like an unhealthy obsession to older generations.

For Gen Z, phones are their lifeline: communication, entertainment, news, even creative tools. Remember when landlines tethered you to a wall? It’s not necessarily addiction; it’s their primary way of connecting with the world.

2. The Weird and Wonderful World of Memes

Man and woman looking at mobile phone and smiling in modern living room
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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a meme is worth a million laughs. That is if you speak the language. Gen Z humor is often expressed in bizarre, absurdist images paired with cryptic text. This inside-joke culture can leave older folks baffled and wondering if a secret meeting was held to decide what’s funny.

Memes are a digital art form, an ever-evolving visual slang. They reflect cultural moments, shared experiences, and the Gen Z perspective on the world – often with a hefty dose of irony and a dash of absurdity.

3. The Need to Document Everything

Social media apps on mobile
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From meticulously arranged acai bowls to spontaneous dance-offs, it seems like if it’s not snapped and shared, it didn’t happen. To older generations raised on privacy, this oversharing can seem self-centered or even a bit exhibitionist.

For Gen Z, social media is a form of personal branding. Sharing experiences builds community, fosters connection, and allows for validation and recognition. These fleeting snapshots become a curated digital timeline of their lives.

4. The Cryptic Language of Texting and Social Media

Woman chatting with smartphone
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Acronyms galore, shortened words, emojis: Gen Z’s digital shorthand can feel like trying to crack a foreign language code for older folks.

Speed and efficiency rule online. Acronyms serve a practical purpose, allowing for rapid-fire communication in a character-limited world. Emojis add nuance and emotional inflection that can get lost in text.

5. The “Finsta” Phenomenon

Social Media
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If you thought one social media account was enough, think again. Gen Z often maintains a “Finsta” – a second, more private Instagram account shared with only a select inner circle. This curated space is reserved for less polished, more genuine, or even slightly embarrassing content.

A Finsta offers a refuge from the pressure to portray a perfectly filtered public image. It’s a space for authenticity, vulnerability, and the freedom to be unpolished without judgment from the wider online world.

6. “Stan” Culture

Excited music fans up the front, Happy girls and boys Clapping
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To “stan” someone is to be their ultimate mega-fan. This goes way beyond simply liking a musician or actor. Gen Z unleashes full-on adoration with feverish devotion. Think online shrines, in-depth analysis threads, and an unwavering defense of their idol against any criticism.

Intense fandom provides purpose, a sense of community with fellow stans, and a way to channel passions. It’s not just about the celebrity; it’s about belonging to a fan base that shares that love and expresses it passionately.

7. Thirst Traps

Attention Seeker
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The thirst trap is a photo strategically designed to elicit a deluge of flattering comments or likes. Typically, they’re slightly suggestive, showcasing a bit of skin or a sultry pose. To older generations, this can feel a bit desperate and overly focused on attention-seeking.

It’s about validation and testing the waters of desirability. While it can be dismissed as shallow, it reflects a generation grappling with self-image in the digital age where “likes” hold a strange kind of currency.

8. Clothing as Self-Expression Gone Wild

worst dressing sense
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Fashion has always been a way to express oneself, but Gen Z takes it to a new level. Think clashing patterns, oversized hoodies paired with micro mini skirts, a revival of Y2K nostalgia, and a general rejection of traditional fashion norms. They’re not afraid to be bold and unconventional.

Gen Z embraces fluidity and rejects being put in a sartorial box. Fashion is playful, experimental, and unapologetically individualistic. What appears as “messy” to some is simply an exploration of self-expression, unbound by traditional rules.

9. “Adulting” is Hard

stress young woman in a chair living room afro curly hair
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Delayed adulthood milestones seem to be a hallmark of Gen Z. Moving back in with the parents after college, embracing the prolonged “kidult” phase, and uncertainty about career paths can be frustrating to older generations, who often equate these with a lack of ambition.

It’s not about laziness. Economic pressures, crippling student debt, and a vastly different job market create unique challenges. Gen Z craves experiences and flexibility, leading to a redefining of the traditional path to stability that previous generations took for granted.

10. The Casual Approach to Formality

old men gathering happy nice to meet you hand shake
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Emails starting with “Hey,” casual greetings with authority figures, and a general disregard for traditional titles… Gen Z’s informal communication style can rub those accustomed to stricter professionalism the wrong way.

It’s not disrespect; it’s about authenticity and breaking down perceived power dynamics. They prize sincerity over formality, aiming for direct communication that cuts through unnecessary fluff.

11. The Power of the Pivot

Girl give interview for job
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Gen Z isn’t afraid to change their minds, switch majors, or try a new career direction. They can appear indecisive to generations accustomed to the linear, “find a good job and stay loyal for decades” model.

This adaptability isn’t flightiness; it’s resilience. Gen Z grew up in a rapidly changing world. They view change as an opportunity for growth, not failure. They seek fulfillment and aren’t afraid to course-correct.

12. The Social Justice Mindset

woman in her office on her phone social media distracted men talking in the background
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Gen Z is often at the forefront of social movements, passionately advocating for equality, inclusion, and environmental causes. Their unwavering activism on social media platforms and beyond can be perceived as preachy or self-righteous by some older generations.

The internet has exposed Gen Z to global issues and diverse perspectives from a young age. They feel empowered to use their voices to demand change and hold the powerful accountable. This idealism is rooted in a deep desire for progress.

13. “Cancel Culture” and Call-outs

boycotts or holding them accountable on social media
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When a public figure or brand expresses problematic views, Gen Z is quick to “cancel” them – calling for boycotts or holding them accountable on social media. This can seem harsh, even a form of online mob mentality, to older generations less accustomed to the swift judgment of viral platforms.

Cancel culture is a form of activism born in the digital age. Previous generations might have written a private letter or had offline discussions. For Gen Z, social media serves as a megaphone, amplifying their voices to demand greater accountability and raise awareness of harmful ideologies.

14. The “Snackable” Attention Span

Asian young woman with her friend tiktoker created her dancing video
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Short-form content reigns supreme in the Gen Z world. Think TikTok videos, Twitter threads, and quick-hit Instagram Reels. It seems their attention spans are in goldfish territory!

It’s about the efficiency of information. Gen Z grew up bombarded with stimuli. They’ve developed the ability to quickly filter, glean the essential, and move on – a valuable skill in the age of information overload.

15. The “Ghosting” Phenomenon

Upset bearded alone man leaning at window and looking through it
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Suddenly ceasing all communication with someone without explanation: ghosting is the ultimate rejection technique, and Gen Z isn’t afraid to deploy it. This disappearing act leaves older generations bewildered and yearning for the courtesy of a traditional break-up text, however painful.

While it seems cruel, it could stem from a desire to avoid confrontation and awkwardness. However, ghosting reflects a lack of respect that can be emotionally damaging. Gen Z could benefit from practicing direct, compassionate communication even in uncomfortable situations.

16. Self-Deprecating Humor

old woman happy laughing on the phone outside
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Gen Z often jokes about their own flaws, anxieties, and failures with disarming honesty. Endless memes about crippling social awkwardness, financial woes, and even existential dread can feel like a cry for help disguised as humor to less irony-fluent generations.

Humor becomes a coping mechanism in a world that can feel overwhelming. By laughing at their own struggles, Gen Z finds relatability, breaks down taboos surrounding those hard topics, and creates a sense of solidarity amidst shared insecurities.

17. Rejection of the 9-5 Hustle

thinking man at his computer with headphones and a pen
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The concept of climbing the corporate ladder to retire at 65 holds little appeal for many in Gen Z. Buzzwords like “work-life balance,” “flexible hours,” and seeking “fulfillment” can be perceived as just wanting to work less by those accustomed to the traditional work-first grind.

Having witnessed burnout and economic uncertainty impact older generations, Gen Z prioritizes well-being and seeks greater purpose in their work. It’s less about entitlement and more about striving for an integrated life where one’s work feels meaningful and sustainable.

18. An Obsession with Brand Loyalty

An Obsession with Brand
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Certain brands hold cult-like status for Gen Z. They’re quick to criticize missteps and equally rapid to fiercely defend their favorites from any online attacks. To older generations, this passionate devotion to corporations can feel misplaced.

It’s about more than just a product. Gen Z companies create a sense of community and belonging. The brand becomes an extension of identity, offering a sense of belonging and connection when other traditional societal pillars might feel lacking.

19. The Blurring Lines of Online and Offline Lives

woman on the phone drinking coffee with an american scarf
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Gen Z’s private and public selves are deeply intertwined. Sharing personal experiences, forming friendships, and even building careers happens in the digital realm. This seamless integration of online and offline identities can make it hard for older generations to grasp where one ends and the other begins.

They don’t compartmentalize life the same way previous generations might. The internet is an additional sphere of existence, both public and private, where they socialize, learn, explore, and express themselves holistically.

20. The Rise of the Personal Guru

Woman sitting and bored in cafe while her friends using smartphones, Taking Coffee
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Gen Z embraces lifestyle advice from YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and podcast hosts as readily as they might seek guidance from traditional sources. This trust in online personalities can feel unwarranted, even naive, to those who place more value on established credentials.

Gen Z craves accessibility and relatability. Online gurus often feel less intimidating and more like peers offering helpful advice, even when discussing complex topics. However, the legitimacy of these sources should always be carefully vetted.

21. The Pursuit of Constant Novelty

stressed financial woman lying on the table of bills with her phone
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Micro-trends change at warp speed, and keeping up is exhausting. Gen Z hungers for the new, the unexpected, the never-before-seen. This constant churn for novelty can feel excessive and fueled solely by a fear of missing out (FOMO) to other generations.

In a world saturated with stimuli, the novel stands out. It could also reflect a subconscious search for that special something, a constant quest for the next experience, or trend that will fill some unnamed void of purpose Gen Z grapples with in a rapidly changing and uncertain world.

17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s

silbings boy and girl at the beach exploring playing outside
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Many of the behaviors that were deemed ordinary for children in the 1960s would be mortifying to people today. If parents from the ’60s were to raise their children in the same manner in today’s world, they might find social services knocking on their doors. As time progresses, so do parenting methods and the level of supervision and exposure provided to children.

17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s

16 Boomer Habits That Are Becoming Obsolete

happy old woman black and white
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The youngest members of the Baby Boomer generation are swiftly approaching their 60s, and several of the once-iconic trends they championed have become unfamiliar to the younger generations.

16 Boomer Habits That Are Becoming Obsolete


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